When In Coron: Santino's Grill

Still in Coron series: 2nd time around food trip edition!

After enjoying my coffee in Coffee Kong, had the chance to go a bit farther because TripAdvisor recommended in its top 10 list, Santino's Grill. We had to take a tricycle and traveled 20-30 minutes away. Trike drivers didn't even know it except when they were informed that it's near where the cheap cashews are bought.

santino's grill coron palawan
Love the natural feeling
Santino's Grill is an alfresco restaurant complimentary to its Filipino-interior theme. I love it inside although I could've appreciated it more in daylight. :)

When in this restaurant, Baby Back Ribs (half-slab/ full-slab) at Php 300/ 500 is a must. Said yes to mashed potato instead of rice. The mashed potato was good! Baby back ribs was in a generous serving but it's a bit sweet for my liking. But it has to be said that the ribs were cooked well: tender and good.

santino's grill coron palawan baby back ribs
Hi there, baby!
Also had Bulalo perfect for a nippy night in Coron. Their Bulalo is okay but not as good as that in Tagaytay. It's good to note the generous serving, though.

santino's grill coron palawan bulalo
For the night so cold :D
Ambiance is relaxing. Food was okay but wasn't impressed. Service is slow. 

Santino's Grill is located at:
