Cats and Coffee at Le Cat Coffee Shop- Cat Cafe Las Piñas

I adore cats and I obviously love to eat. One place where both ends meet: Le Cat Coffee Shop- Cat Cafe Las Piñas. Finally, this kind of hangout down South!

le cat coffee shop cat cafe las pinas food review location

Owned by Koreans, Le Cat Coffee Shop has two sections- the cafe area and the cat lounge. Breads and pastries are strictly for the cafe area only. While staying in the cat lounge requires buying drinks in Le Cat Lounge Menu. The list of drinks are the same with the ordinary menu, only that it's much expensive as it includes door charge.

le cat coffee shop cat cafe las pinas food review menu

Le Cat Lounge Menu has Set A and Set B drinks. Set A at Php 199 includes any hot/iced beverage of choice. Set B at Php 219 offers purr-apé of choice (it's their frappe). My siblings and I chose frappe from Java Chip, White Chocolate and Hazelnut Purr-apé. Hazelnut wasn't good. Java Chip wasn't that sweet. White Chocolate was the best from the loot.

le cat coffee shop cat cafe las pinas food review counter
Meowing salamat po!
If we didn't quite enjoyed the food, wait or their Grilled Panini Ham and Cheese at Php 140. The bread was so soft and the filling were aplenty. They also added strawberry jam inside that added twist. And oh, don't forget the confectioners sugar for extra flavor. All these plated in a pretty Cat board. I also appreciate that they gave us three forks for one order. Bravo for their pro activeness!

le cat coffee shop cat cafe las pinas food review grilled panini and drinks

le cat coffee shop cat cafe las pinas food review receipt

After eating, luckily we only waited a few minutes to be with the cats. Apparently, they only allow eight (8) persons inside in a two-hour timeframe each. They also have rules to follow inside the lounge and an a guestlist.

le cat coffee shop cat cafe las pinas food review guestlist

le cat coffee shop cat cafe las pinas food review cat lounge house rules
Le Cat Lounge Rules
Inside was heaven! Eight (at that time, seven as Cici was pregnant) cute, cuddly furballs freely roam around! They all have names and each of them has a bio in a frame. Some are sleeping at that time. They have a keeper, too.

cats of le cat coffee shop
Meet the cats of Le Cat Coffee Shop
Aside from Cat interaction, what I love in Le Cat was the sharing of interest among the cat lovers. It was a delight exchanging stories and tips with them. It's hard to describe everything in words. So will just be sharing some photos:
le cat coffee shop cat cafe las pinas food review cat lounge 1
Meow slippers 
le cat coffee shop cat cafe las pinas food review cat lounge 2
Meow decor
le cat coffee shop cat cafe las pinas food review cat lounge 3
Warming up!
le cat coffee shop cat cafe las pinas food review cat lounge 4
Sleepy Apple
le cat coffee shop cat cafe las pinas food review cat lounge 5
'Kiss me not, human'
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'I'm too cute to cuddle'
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'Wat ya doin' there?'
le cat coffee shop cat cafe las pinas food review cat lounge 8
'Hiding from you'
le cat coffee shop cat cafe las pinas food review cat lounge 9
Who is the fairest of them all?

It was a good bonding activity with the family! Not to mention how it takes away all the stress! We were ourselves playing and chasing and lying like kids on the floor. How fun! I'd definitely come back for my favorite cats!

<a href="ñas-city" title="View Menu, Reviews, Photos & Information about Le Cat Coffee Shop, BF Resort and other Restaurants in Metro Manila" target="_blank"><img alt="Le Cat Coffee Shop Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato" src="" style="border:none;width:104px;height:15px;padding:0px;" /></a>  Rating: 4

Le Cat Coffee Shop is located at:

76 Gloria Diaz St.,
BF Resort Village, 
Las Piñas City